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Sent E-mail

E-mail sent from SB is set up as a blind copy. Main recipient do not know who else received the e-mail. would it be possible for SB e-mail to show who else was included in the e-mail.

Araucto, 08.09.2010, 00:43
Response from the site administrator
jasonsilver, 28.09.2010
I've added an experimental button on the services page for email all scheduled. It's an envelope with little people next to it-- give it a try, and feedback how that works, please.

NEW: I've added a checkbox in the sendmessage window which allows messages to go out immediately. They are not queued, they don't have personalization, but all the names are included in the TO box.
Idea status: completed


jasonsilver, 08.09.2010, 08:25
Hi Joe, The message is individually addressed to each user, not blind copied. Removing the individual addressing would also remove the personalization features.

Would it be sufficient to have a mail button that would open your own email application (ie, outlook, outlook express, etc) and create a new email addressed to everyone?

Araucto, 08.09.2010, 10:52
I like that ability to e-mail using my own e-mail application. I dont want to loose the personilized e-mail reminder. when you create the individual e-mails, can you add the other e-mail recipient to the CC of the e-mail.
jasonsilver, 28.09.2010, 21:19
Note that there is a limit to 10 contacts in the TO box when messages are sent this way.
Araucto, 29.09.2010, 01:49
will the mail be sent to the entire list of mail recipient I select, regardless of the amount of e-mail addresses I include?

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