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CCLI Number in Song Description

Not only would this help consolidate duplicates, but it would also make songs easier to search for.

doulos12, 17.02.2012, 15:35
Response from the site administrator
jasonsilver, 19.02.2012
This has been integrated.

Part of the integration involves checking to see if the CCLI Number has already been added to a song before adding the new song.

If it has, you won't be able to save the new song.

Hopefully this will help with both preventing duplicates, and finding songs that you are looking for.
Idea status: completed


doulos12, 17.02.2012, 15:42
Every song has a number. e.g. Chris Tomlin's Our God is Song Number: 5677416 (Right out of Song Select)
jasonsilver, 17.02.2012, 16:15
Good to know! I didn't realize this. I can't imagine how long it would take to get all those numbers entered, though-- maybe someday when I can afford to pay for their API (which is outrageously expensive!)
doulos12, 18.02.2012, 15:14
But when users enter new music, they can include that if there's a field.

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